Ayurveda tips for a fun-filled Holiday Season
Use these 3 Ayurveda tips to enjoy this Holiday Season and promote balance and well-being.
Turmeric: The Anti-Everything Ingredient
Turmeric (Curcuma Longa) is a miracle ingredient from the rich body of Ayurvedic knowledge.
In Ayurveda, turmeric ...
Ayurveda Tips for the Fall
Ayurveda describes Fall as the season of Vata, with the qualities of dry, erratic, cool and light. It is a great time...
Ayurveda and Acne
A holistic Ayurvedic approach combining lifestyle and skincare tips can be very helpful in managing and preventing acne.
Nurture your skin during winter
Winter is actually the best time of year to nourish the skin, because the skin is dryer and more receptive in winter....
Summer is here, is your skincare ready?
During summer, the heat of this Pitta season adds to the Agni, or internal fire. This is a great time to check our Do...