Your primary Dosha is Pitta
Pitta Dosha is responsible for metabolic processes. The more pitta you have, the warmer your skin is to touch.
Dosha Characteristics
Passionate, joyful, charismatic Controlling, intense, opinionated
Build & Proportions
Good posture, commanding, self-assured Tension, braces muscles
Precise, well informed, assertive Sharp tongued, asks pointed questions
Average thickness, warm to touch, oily T zone Burns easily, acne, blushes easily
What unbalances Pitta Dosha?
Working too intensely
Getting very hungry
Being competitive even during leisure
Needing things to be more perfect
Easily moved to anger
Suggestions to help balance Pitta Dosha
Try to go with the flow and laugh more
Accept loving care
Keep cool physically and mentally
Eat plenty of greens and fresh fruits
Drink plenty of water